Greetings! Call me Joe:
An Engineer turned Web Dev.
Let's solve some problems!
Joe Crosby + Filters

About me

I love solutions.

I like data, logic, bringing order to chaos, automation. I love consuming technology to achieve this.

As a Petrophysicist, I was the focal point for data acquisition:
- communicating with interested parties
- to plan and execute operations
- to acquire necessary data to evaluate oil and gas reservoirs.
As an end-user, I used software to collate, visualise and calculate my data. I augmented that software to improve its performance, streamline data loading and automate workflows.

I've always been building solutions.
Now the solutions I'm building are web applications.

I've always got an ear out for new problems; a sense for speculating why something might not be working as intended and ideas for how it could be approached differently.

Have a look at some of my previously developed solutions in my portfolio.


While I'm confident to tackle any front-end problem (and working on rounding that out to full-stack), how long it takes me to hole out can be likened to where a drive ends up in golf. (Not one of my drives, of course. They end up in the water.)

Bar chart showing Joe's skillset


Here are some examples of my work.

This portfolio website
Portfolio Website Repository Demo
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SVG
  • Grid

A portfolio site for a JS developer, made without any JS! This site was built entirely in a terminal window with Nano, no IDE. Why? I started by wanting to build a static site without a framework, and got carried away!

Sudoku Grid App
Sudoku Web App Repository Demo
  • VueJS
  • Cypress
  • Vuex
  • Event Listeners

A fully functional Sudoku grid for solving Sudoku. Complete with highlighting options and puzzle import. Listeners for key input and undo stack. Full E2E test suite in Cypress. Inspired by the 'Cracking the Cryptic' web-app.

Meal Planner App
Meal Planner Repository Demo
  • TypeScript
  • VueJS 3.0
  • Drag and Drop
  • Responsive

Select Meals from a list, drag or drop them into the weekly planner, and the ingredients will be compiled and presented in a common shopping list. Sorted by home layout (for checking supplied) or by supermarket layout. Built primarily for mobile devices (as that's what you'll have at the supermarket!)

Grass Tree App
SVG Grass Tree Repository Demo
  • SVG
  • VueJS

My children's school was looking for a grass-tree resource to use internally. I got to wondering how much of a grass-tree I could program in SVG. Reactive customisation via web-app.

GeoFit by Antaeus Technologies
GeoFit Promotional Video Adding Data User Permissions
  • VueJs
  • D3.JS
  • Fully Featured Platform

GeoFit is a Platform-as-a-Service Oil and Gas Data Management Suite built by Houston-based Tech Startup Antaeus Technologies. I was reponsible for building the majority of the Front End, which was built in VueJs and D3Js, and connected via websocket to a NodeJs and PostgreSQL backend, hosted on AWS.


Contact Me

Let's coffee and chat!
Easiest if you're in Perth;
Else: video chat!

Here are some ways to stalk me:

This Portfolio
672 Dog Tax: Zoe, my canine coding companion